Snakefile syntax file for vi/vim


If you're using vi/vim, you might want to use a colour syntax file for you Snakefile. This tutorial is meant to set up an already written syntax file for Snakefile. Of course, the method can be generalised to any type of files.

Installing the syntax file for Snakefiles

First you need to download the syntax file and place it inside the syntax folder in your vim hidden repertory ~/.vim/syntax/. If the syntax folder doesn't exist, create it.

From the command line in Linux:


Or for MacOSX:

curl > ~/.vim/syntax/snakemake.vim

The complete file was written by Jay Hesselberth and is basically extended from python.

 " snakemake.vim
 "Vim syntax file
 " Language:   Snakemake (extended from python.vim)
 " Maintainer: Jay Hesselberth (
 " Last Change:    2015 Jul 1 
 " Usage
 " copy to $HOME/.vim/syntax directory and add:
 " au BufNewFile,BufRead Snakefile set syntax=snakemake
 " au BufNewFile,BufRead *.snake set syntax=snakemake
 " to your $HOME/.vimrc file
 " force coloring in a vim session with:
 " :set syntax=snakemake

 " load settings from system python.vim (7.4)
 source $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/python.vim

 " Snakemake rules, as of version 3.3
 " XXX N.B. several of the new defs are missing from this table i.e.
 " subworkflow, touch etc
 " rule       = "rule" (identifier | "") ":" ruleparams
 " include    = "include:" stringliteral
 " workdir    = "workdir:" stringliteral
 " ni         = NEWLINE INDENT
 " ruleparams = [ni input] [ni output] [ni params] [ni message] [ni threads] [ni (run | shell)] NEWLINE snakemake
 " input      = "input" ":" parameter_list
 " output     = "output" ":" parameter_list
 " params     = "params" ":" parameter_list
 " message    = "message" ":" stringliteral
 " threads    = "threads" ":" integer
 " resources  = "resources" ":" parameter_list
 " version    = "version" ":" statement
 " run        = "run" ":" ni statement
 " shell      = "shell" ":" stringliteral

 syn keyword pythonStatement   include workdir onsuccess onerror
 syn keyword pythonStatement   ruleorder localrules configfile
 syn keyword pythonStatement   touch protected temp
 syn keyword pythonStatement   input output params message threads resources
 syn keyword pythonStatement   version run shell benchmark snakefile log
 syn keyword pythonStatement   rule subworkflow nextgroup=pythonFunction skipwhite

 " similar to special def and class treatment from python.vim, except
 " parenthetical part of def and class
 syn match   pythonFunction
       \ "\%(\%(rule\s\|subworkflow\s\)\s*\)\@<=\h*" contained

 syn sync match pythonSync grouphere NONE "^\s*\%(rule\|subworkflow\)\s\+\h\w*\s*"

 let b:current_syntax = "snakemake"

       " vim:set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 noet:

Finally, you just need to complete your .vimrc (if it doesn't exist, then create one):

" .vimrc
au BufNewFile,BufRead Snakefile set syntax=snakemake
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.snake set syntax=snakemake

Now you should be able to write colourful Snakfiles! Contact me if you have any suggestions : or Twitter.

See also the other tutorials